Meadows, lagoons and riparian woodland bordering the Verde River, on the north edge of Cottonwood; camping, biking, canoeing and fishing are the main activities, plus hiking along several short trails by the river, and longer paths into the adjacent hills
Featured Hotel
Best Western Cottonwood Inn

Just 3 miles from the state park, the Best Western is an AAA Three Diamond-rated hotel close to shops and restaurants in the center of Cottonwood
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State Park Facilities
The approach to Dead Horse Ranch State Park is from N 10th Street in
Cottonwood, a road which crosses the Verde River and dead ends at Blazin M Ranch, a dining and entertainment establishment. A right turn soon after the bridge passes the state park entrance station, often unstaffed in which case payment ($7 per vehicle for day use in 2024) is via self-service machines near the campground, then continues east another mile to the lagoons, ending at a group of office buildings, just before the point where the hills encroach all the way to the river banks. En route are several short side roads, plus trailheads, picnic areas, parking areas and other facilities.
State Park Trails
The Verde River corridor is accessed by a number of paths, principally the
Verde River Greenway Trail, named for a protected section of the river that extends several more miles either side of the state park. The surroundings are quite overgrown, with bushes, willow and tall cottonwood trees, part of a belt of greenery about 500 feet across. The river often splits into two or more channels, and is very prone to flooding, as shown by driftwood and other debris piled against tree trunks several feet above the normal water level in this rather wide valley. The south side of the river has a similar appearance to the section within the state park, and may be seen without payment by walking in from a parking area near a sports center (Cottonwood Riverfront Park), a short distance along 10th Street.