360 Degree Panorama from Bull Pasture, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument

Arizona > Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument > Bull Pasture/Estes Canyon > 360 Degree Panorama
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Bull Pasture is an elevated plateau half way up the Ajo Range on the east side of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, and may be reached by a fairly easy 1.5 mile trail. From the viewpoint, the panorama extends over many square miles of the surrounding Sonoran Desert, from distant hills to the south, in Mexico, across the Diablo and Puerto Blanco Ranges, and north to the Bates and Growler Mountains. Mount Ajo rises up to the east, guarded by a long, sheer cliff, though the summit may be reached by a lesser used continuation path, an additional 3 mile hike. The road in the valley below is the Ajo Mountain Drive, a scenic, unpaved 21 mile loop.

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