Large reservoir along the Carson River, formed after construction of a dam in 1915, surrounded by sandy, high desert land. 69 miles of shoreline, with many access points; popular mainly for water-based recreation
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Best Western Fallon Inn

Well-reviewed hotel five blocks from the US 95 junction, in a commercial area of Fallon with several restaurants, shops and casinos
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Lahontan SRA
US 95A crosses the Carson River upstream of the reservoir and runs close to the southern portion of the SRA, while
US 50 gives access to the northern section. The small settlement of
Silver Springs, at the highway intersection, has some facilities, with a better selection in Fallon, 25 miles east. The most visited part of the state recreation area is at the north end, around Lahontan Dam, where a paved and gravel road follows the shore for nearly 4 miles to a promontory,
Horsemans Point - along here are several short tracks to the waters edge, some of which is lined with native cottonwood and willow trees. The adjacent land is flat and rather featureless though further south the shore becomes rockier and more undulating, at the edge of the Dead Camel Mountains, reachable in a few places by rougher tracks, then beyond is a large, low-lying basin, subject to seasonal flooding. Other short tracks lead to several places along the west shore near the dam, off US 50, while further south, the main access to this side of the reservoir is via
Fir Avenue off US 95, to the park headquarters, a developed campground, overlooks and many primitive camp locations. Boat launching and camping are permitted at any suitable location, away from the day use areas. Hunting is also allowed in most locations in the park.