Common name:
Parry's false prairie-clover
Scientific name:
Marina parryi
Desert areas of Arizona, California and Nevada
Washes, desert slopes, roadsides; up to 2,500 feet
Alternate, up to 2 inches long, pinnately compound, with 11 to 25 small, ovate leaflets
Marina parryi is a relatively inconspicuous plant, with slender stems and well separated leaves, though the stems often overlap to create a clump. Stems are dotted with reddish glands, and, like the leaves, are lightly strigose hairy. Leaves are compound; they have one terminal leaflet and 5 to 12 pairs of opposite side leaflets, all ovate to nearly round, flat, less than a quarter of an inch in length, and also gland-dotted. Leaflet margins may be reddish.
The inflorescence is a narrow, elongated cluster extending over the uppermost 1 to 4 inches of the stem; flowers at the base of the cluster bloom earliest. The calyx lobes are shorter than the calyx tube. The corolla is around a quarter of an inch long, and all petals are purple towards the outer edges, white at the center. The largest petals are the keel. The main flowering of early spring is often followed by a second bloom in the fall.